3. Multi-Year Contracts

3. Multi-Year Contracts

Detail - Time: 22:25 Video up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2Nx9hgjm60 1. 5-year, fixed-term contracts provide certainty 2. Limit tech lock-in; incentivize innovation as tech obsolesces 3. Performance-based, executed on a monthly basis


I think 10 years is better with volume caps for technology type. most facilities can't get finance without offtake visibility. Depending on the mix of capex v. opex, they will unviable as the curve comes down (self fulfilling prophecy). so paradoxically need to keep "expensive" plants running or paid to get the "innovation chasm" crossed to cheaper future. a targetted 18% IRR for equity reflects risk etc. with a step down function. The cost to "buy down the curve" can be justified.

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